Woodwork, Business, Music & lots of Adult Night classes

If you are looking for a bit of ‘me’ time away from the responsibilities of work and family this could be the chance to express yourselves creatively or artistically, or if you need to up-skill for work or a new career there are plenty of business and computer courses available.

Our Term 3 and 4 programme at Rutherford College runs from August to December and offers both night classes and weekend workshops.


Learning a new skill or craft generates a sense of achievement and can have a beneficial effect not just for the individual but for their family and community as well, and courses such as painting, boating, NZ Sign Language, yoga or guitar all provide this opportunity.

All of our tutors are qualified in teaching to adults- many of them specialists in their particular field – and you will find that learning is easy in the relaxed social atmosphere of Community Education

Adult and Community Education Rutherford College
Phone 834 4099 or visit www.rutherfordcomed.co.nz